Monday, 28 November 2016


Paragraph 1: Overall Impression
  • Show your reaction to the film.
  • Identify:
    • Title
    • Genre
    • Director
    • Lead actors
    • Year of release
Paragraph 2: Plot Summary
  • Identify the scenario that drives the action. Is it engaging?
  • Don't explain every detail.
Paragraph 3: Acting
  • How did the actors portray the key roles?
  • Did they fulfil your expectations of the character? Did you believe them?
  • Refer to other films that feature the main actors, and assess their performance in both.
Paragraph 4: Film Techniques
  • Describe and asses the mise-en-scene (camera angels, editing, lighting, production, costumes, etc.)
  • Identify other notable successes/failures of the film- for example, the soundtrack, special effects, etc.
  • Compare and contrast to other films from the same genre or director.
Paragraph 5: Themes
  • Identify the messages of the film and how they are conveyed.
  • Is this done effectively?
  • Compare and contrast to other films from the same genre or director.
Paragraph 6: Conclusion
  • Justify your opinion of the film by ranking it alongside others that you may or may not have already mentioned.
  • Suggest to the reader that this may be a film to watch or avoid.
  • Star rating or Number rating.

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