Friday, 30 September 2016


After we presented our final idea to the class we had a talk and decided that it would be better if we changed the idea of our short film. This was because although we had the idea planned out perfectly in our head we could not explain it to the class. Therefore, we thought it would be difficult to actually create the film if we can't even explain what it is about. Our new idea is a lot stronger and we feel as thought it would give us a better outcome in the end. 

Our new idea is based upon the short film 'Alone', there will be a young boy who is all alone and is unsure why that is. We see how his days plan out and it is accompinied by a voiceover narrating his thoughts. Throughout the film you will see hints as to why he is all alone. At the end it is revealed that he passed away in a car crash and is in the after life. 

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