Thursday, 29 September 2016


The colouring in the film is interesting as it is quite clearly highly saturated and warm while the two characters are happy. When it is clear that they have broken up the film is showning this, the colouring turns very dull and cold to represent their emotions and the atmosphere and mood of the characters which should reflect onto the audience. 

Camera Angles-
Most of the film involves many two shots and mid shots. This is because when the couple are happy and in a relationship they are equals in all scenes and this comes across to the audience through the use of once shot. Having netural angles also add to this effect. To characters are to be seen as one. 

Long shots are also used within the film, This shot is effective in displaying how lonely the boy is now she has left him. This shot is actually a tracking shot in the film itself and gets further and further away from him. The emptiness and dullness that surronds him in this shot magnifies the atmosphere and emotion that he is feeling. 

There is no dialouge between the two characters yet visually their connection is still strong and displayed to the audience effectively. The whole film is aided by a letter from the boy to his ex-girlfriend. The fact that the film maker didn't have any sound or dialogue made the film seem so much more proffesional. 

Within this short film there isn't any transitions they have just used cuts to go between locations. They have used a match on action shot when the boy hands over the flowers and this is very tightly edited that it doesn't even make us think that it is a change of camera direction. 

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