Monday, 3 October 2016


INT. Characters house- morning
Blank screen

Underwater noise can be heard and deep breath, characters eyes open

Fade in:


Gets out of bed and walks to the window and looks out


Another day, I guess I’m used to being alone now.


Walks away from the window and looks down on the floor he then picks up the dirty clothes


It has been a while after all. Where is everyone? Why am I here?


Goes downstairs to the kitchen, goes to the cupboard and gets out sweets, crisps, chocolate etc. and makes ‘breakfast’


Obviously I miss my family.

EXT. Walks out the house and closes the door and walks down the road, waves at next door neighbour she walks straight passed him as if he wasn’t there


You get bored being alone. I’m trying to find things to do to occupy myself

EXT. Walks over to his car and just stares at it for a while


I remember the first time I started driving. Passing my test was the best day

Open car door and water comes out, he is still just standing there



The car is always filled with water now. I don’t understand why

EXT. Sitting on the swings in the park


Sometimes I walk for days. Try out new things to pass the time.

Finds a football on the floor and kicks it

INT. Walks back into the house

Starts playing with a pack of cards plays with a pack of cards


How did I get here? How did it happen?

Picks up a toy car and starts playing with it, he then drops it in a glass of water

Blank screen, he then wakes up confused


Weird stuff keeps happening. Flowers by my bed, I don’t know how that happened. My clothes folded up in a pile. Had to get some air

EXT. Walks out of the house again and walks to the park


Thought I’d go to the park

Sits back on the swing and looks around


Everyone’s gone

INT. Walks back home and walks into his house. Walks into the kitchen


This is the 56th day I’ve been alone now

Newspaper article flashes up.

Fades to black

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