In the corner of the pictures there are often very small comments, usually a witty interpretation of the image. These are not present in all film magazines but the are used in Enpire.
The film title should be in a bold font somewhere above the beginning of the text, it is often layereed over the main picture. The main text is set out in columns like you would see in a newspaper, this is generally the layout used in all magazines. Quotes from the review are often taken out and enlarged somewhere else on the page, this highlights important bits of information which often sums up the reviewers feelings.
Basic information is kept in a text box near the start of the bulk of tect. Infomation includes director, notable actors, producers, release date, certficate, run time and a small synopsis of the plot. This gives the reader general information about the film which will allow them to decide whether they want to read on.
To summarise the content of the review a verdict is usually present in a review, this will be in a text box and will include the final opinion on the film folloed by a star raiting.
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