Monday, 12 December 2016


We have begun the editing for our final piece and completing the voice over for our short film. We have kept within our schedule and our up-to-date the deadline is approaching so we will get the editing done and then tweak anything we need to after. I will also be completing my review, film poster and beginning my evaluation questions. 

Friday, 9 December 2016


Once we had begun editing our short film we realised that the voice over didn't quite match what was on the film and so we decided that we needed to change it. We had to move around a few scenes in the filming and then add a few lines too the script. 

INT. Characters house- morning

Blank screen

Underwater noise can be heard, characters eyes open

Fade in:

Gets out of bed and walks to the window and looks out


Another day

Walks downstairs


I guess I’m used to being alone now

Looks into cupboard for food


It has been a while after all

Sits down and eats his ‘breakfast’


Where is everyone? Why am I here?

EXT. Walks out the house and closes the door to go to the park


Obviously I miss my family

Waves at his next door neighbour and she walks straight passed him as if he wasn’t there


I feel like I’m the only one here

Walks along the road towards the park


You get bored being alone

Gets to the park


I’m trying to find things to do to occupy myself

Walking in the park


Sometimes I walk for days

Walks over to the swings


Or try out new things to pass the time

INT. Wakes up in his room looks over to his bed side table and finds some flowers.


Weird stuff keeps happening

Throws the flowers on the floor


Flowers by my bed, I don’t know how that happened.

Walks over to his laptop and looks at Facebook


All my friends writing on my Facebook that they miss me, where are they?

Walks downstairs and picks up his wet shoes


My shoes are always wet

EXT. Walks out of the house and to his car


And my car is always filled with water, I don’t understand why

INT. Walks back into the house

Starts playing with a pack of cards plays with a pack of cards


How did I get here?

Gets frustrated at the card game and spills his water over toy cars


How did it happen?

Wakes up, puts his glasses on and checks his phone


This is the 56th day I’ve been alone now

Newspaper article flashes up.

Fades to black

Tuesday, 6 December 2016


This a vlog that we created on our last day of filming. At this point we was on our way to film the park scene. We only had this part to finish and to film the car scene, however by the time we finished all the bits at the park we had no time to finish the car part. This means that we need to arrange another day to film to fully complete our piece. Other than this all the bits we filmed today and the week before are completed and will not need to be re-filmed.

Monday, 5 December 2016


This is an update on our production schedule, we have completeted our final week of filimg and we have begun piecing it all toghether. 

Friday, 2 December 2016


The page layout of reviews are often similar, there are conventions of how things are set up on the page. The main layout usually has its focus around the pictures, which are usually shots from the film. The text is usually below the picture as the pictures are usually quite large, there is normally one large picture then some smaller ones.

In the corner of the pictures there are often very small comments, usually a witty interpretation of the image. These are not present in all film magazines but the are used in Enpire.

The film title should be in a bold font somewhere above the beginning of the text, it is often layereed over the main picture. The main text is set out in columns like you would see in a newspaper, this is generally the layout used in all magazines. Quotes from the review are often taken out and enlarged somewhere else on the page, this highlights important bits of information which often sums up the reviewers feelings.

Basic information is kept in a text box near the start of the bulk of tect. Infomation includes director, notable actors, producers, release date, certficate, run time and a small synopsis of the plot. This gives the reader general information about the film which will allow them to decide whether they want to read on.

To summarise the content of the review a verdict is usually present in a review, this will be in a text box and will include the final opinion on the film folloed by a star raiting.  

Thursday, 1 December 2016



I have completed my final verision of my film poster and I am happy with the result but it is important to get the opinion of otherd as my opinion alone is not valid. I will interview one of my peers these are the questions that I will ask them:

- Which do you prefer, portrait or landscape?
- How effective do you think my film poster is overall? Do you think that the text works well with the picture?
- Do you think that the photo in the poster is appropriate for my film?
- Do you think that the poster looks like a legitimate film poster?
- Would you change anything about it?